Dr. Jack Hampton is a Professor of Business at St. Peter’s University in New Jersey, a principal in the Princeton Consulting Group, and a regular contributor to Risk and Insurance magazine. He was previously dean of the schools of business at Seton Hall and Connecticut State universities.

He received innovation awards in 2008 and 2011 for his books on enterprise risk management and financial risk management, both published by the American Management Association. He is the author of Culture, Intricacies, and Obsession in Academia: Why Colleges and Universities Are Struggling to Deliver the Goods (2017). Along with his courses in New York City, Jack also teaches Introduction to Research Methods to the ISM doctoral students in Paris, France.


  • AMA Management Handbook, General Editor, Third Edition, AMACOM Books, 1994.
  • Financial Management of Insurance Companies, AMACOM Books, 1993.
  • Essentials of Insurance and Risk Management, AMACOM Books, 1993.
  • Economics of Ocean Transportation, PCG Publishing, 1992.

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