Our mission is to provide a quality education in international business to further your career. To achieve this, we constantly monitor the effectiveness of the school and our academic programs, and focus on the measures necessary to maintain our high standards.

We model our outcomes assessment processes on The National Institute of Standards and Technology's Baldrige National Quality Program - Education Criteria for Performance Excellence. And we assess our effectiveness against ISM's mission statement.

As an institution, our performance measurement activities focus on key results. We use these results to create balance and value for our candidates and key stakeholders - the community, employers, faculty and staff, partners, and the public.

Below you will find the desired learning outcomes for each program, along with a selection of results of direct learning measures.

Our Accreditation

Our Recognition

  • US State Authority to
    Confer Diplomas
  • Status with the French
    Ministry of Education
  • Établissement d'enseignement
    supérieur privé technique

Our Membership