Our mission is to develop globally-minded business leaders and innovators. Our graduate and doctoral programs are flexible, learner-centered, and they imbue our students with our practice-oriented focus on research. Designed primarily for working professionals who want a truly global learning experience, our study options are available on multiple continents and online, yielding an internationally diverse alumni community representing over 130 nationalities.


Academic Excellence

ISM strives for academic rigor and quality through high academic standards and an emphasis both on individual analysis/critical thinking and collaborative learning. ISM seeks the optimal balance between theoretical and applied knowledge and encourages a multi-disciplinary perspective. ISM will implement and maintain processes that ensure academic rigor at all levels.

International and Cultural Diversity

ISM strives for a high degree of international and cultural diversity in the learning experience. Students and faculty from widely differing backgrounds interact. Students have multiple options for studying in different countries.

Global Perspective

ISM seeks to cultivate a global, worldly perspective among its stakeholders. Students should be exposed to different ways of thinking and doing, open to continuous learning, and knowledgeable about worldwide business trends. Graduates will be actively engaged in a global, highly mobile workplace.

Active Learning Experience

ISM creates the conditions for an active learning experience through small class size and an interactive, discussion-oriented teaching approach. Students engage in critical thinking, sharing professional experience, and the application of concepts and theories in the workplace.


ISM is about redefining executive education. ISM seeks to be innovative in its conception and delivery of its educational offering. Students will be exposed to the latest practices, theories, and trends in international business. ISM seeks flexibility in its educational offering suitable to international working professionals.


ISM is an Advanced Signatory Member of the PRME, a United Nations Global Compact initiative to transform management education, research, and thought leadership globally. As an institution of higher education involved in the development of current and future leaders, ISM declares its willingness to progress in the implementation, within the institution, of the Six Principles of PRME and to advance corporate responsibility and sustainability by incorporating universal values into its curriculum and research. To find out more, read our latest PRME report here.


ISM is firmly committed to academic integrity.   The institute is vigilant with respect to plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty examples of which are provided below. ISM maintains policies, practices, and processes designed to proactively educate stakeholders and to build awareness about plagiarism and academic dishonesty, to actively discourage such behaviors, and to impose sanctions when appropriate. For more information, consult the Academic Probation and Suspension Policy (available to enrolled students, staff, and faculty).


Plagiarism is the misuse of someone else’s work by passing it off as your own. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Using another person’s words without citing them properly
  • Paraphrasing another person’s work without citing them properly
  • Collaborating with someone and not acknowledging their work or contributions

This is applicable to course assignments, online forum posts, final projects and dissertations, case studies, and in-class work including presentations

Other Forms of Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty refers to any behavior or action that aims to gain an unethical academic advantage. Examples of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to:

  • Copying someone else’s work
  • Submitting work as your own that was written by another person or organization
  • Submitting the same paper for more than one class assignment; and/or recycling significant portions of a paper for another paper without proper acknowledgment of the prior work.
  • Falsifying academic or other documents

Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty at ISM are unacceptable under any circumstance, regardless of intent.  More information about definitions of and about types of plagiarism can be found on the institutional learning management platform on the Writing Resources page of the ISM Electronic Library available to enrolled students, staff, and faculty.


The following section describes ISM’s principles and policies which aim to encourage a culture that instills a safe and welcoming environment for all its community members including but not limited to administrators, faculty, students, alumni, as well as partner institutions and their respective members of staff. All community members are expected to respect these standards at all locations including ISM’s Paris headquarters, partner locations, business site visits, event venues, and online discussion boards.

Diversity and Inclusion

As an institution of higher education, ISM and its community members play an important role in preparing students and graduates to live and work in an increasingly diverse society. Diversity and inclusion are fundamental principles of ISM’s mission. We embrace and encourage the differences in age, ethnicity, family or marital status, gender identity or expression, language, national origin, physical and mental ability, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, veteran status, and other characteristics that make our community unique.

ISM community members are expected to:

  • Maintain a positive, proactive and non-judgemental attitude towards diverse identities
    in their interpersonal and professional interactions in person and online;
  • Demonstrate an ability to conceptualize and act in a culturally competent and professional manner with all community members;
  • Show respect, affirmation, and adaptability to diverse cultures and nationalities with
    which they interact;
  • Recognize that different cultural styles exist and should be taken into
    account when working with culturally different populations.


All community members of ISM have a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect at all times. They are expected to exhibit conduct that reflects inclusion on campus in Paris, at partner locations, during events, on business site visits, and online. Any person found to have exhibited any inappropriate conduct or behavior against others will be subject to disciplinary action. Any person who believes they have been subjected to any kind of discrimination or harassment that conflicts with the institution’s diversity policy and initiatives should seek assistance from an ISM staff member.  


In keeping with its long-standing practices and policies, ISM considers students, employees and applicants for admission or employment, and those seeking access to programs on the basis of individual merit.  ISM, therefore, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, veteran status, or other protected classes under the law


ISM adheres to the Principles of Academic Freedom of the American Association of University Professors.  ISM does not limit academic freedom for specific aims be they religious or other. Teachers at ISM enjoy complete freedom to conduct research and publish results in ways that align with their intellectual pursuits and research areas; ISM actively supports the scholarly activities of its teaching staff.  Teachers are also free to lead classroom discussions and express opinions around their subject areas but should avoid introducing “controversial matter which as no relation to their subject” (Principle 2). In keeping with Principle 3, ISM expects that when ISM faculty speak and write as citizens, free from institutional censorship, that they strive for accuracy, demonstrate restraint, show respect for diverse and differing opinions, and clearly indicate they are not speaking for the institution when appropriate.


ISM is committed to safeguarding student education records. This institution shall not release personally identifiable information to a third party without the written consent of the student.  This access shall be limited and for academic purposes only. The written consent for all other third parties must specify the records to be released, the purpose of the disclosure, identify the party or class of parties to whom disclosure may be made, and must contain the student’s signature and date. ISM will release information designated as “Directory Information” and student record information to persons and entities who have legitimate non-commercial reasons for using such information including: ISM representatives such as administrators and teachers; authorized national, state, and local officials; veterans administration officials; teachers and administrators of partner institutes when specific students are registered for courses taking place at these partner institutes; and to persons in an emergency if the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of students or other people.  For more complete information, consult the ISM Student Records Policy (available to enrolled students, staff, and faculty).


Each board member, committee member, and each officer of the institute shall perform the responsibilities of his or her position solely on the basis of what is in the best interests of the school. This shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, being wholly free from the influence of any other factors that might, or would reasonably appear to prevent him or her from acting solely on the basis of what is in the best interests of ISM. This duty of each Board member, committee member, and officer shall extend, but not be limited to negotiating contracts, transactions, and business relationships for the ISM; making recommendations with respect to such contracts, transactions, and business relationships; and passing judgment on such contracts, transactions, and business relationships.


The following policies provide more complete information on the items addressed in this ethical statement.  These policies are made available on the institutional learning management platform to enrolled students, faculty, and staff:

  • Academic probation and suspension policy
  • Student grievances policy
  • Sexual harassment policy
  • Student records policy

Moreover, ISM has developed handbooks for students, faculty, and staff which emphasize important aspects of the Ethical Code for each stakeholder group.

Our Accreditation

Our Recognition

  • US State Authority to
    Confer Diplomas
  • Status with the French
    Ministry of Education
  • Établissement d'enseignement
    supérieur privé technique

Our Membership