“The new paradigm of diversity is about achieving academic and institutional excellence and positioning graduates and institutions to compete and win in the global marketplace.” - A Matter of Excellence: A Guide to Strategic Diversity Leadership and Accountability in Higher Education, 2012


Diversity and inclusion (DI) are increasingly important issues in colleges and universities around the world. In addition to allowing schools to respond directly to changing societal needs, implementing diversity and inclusion practices can help to improve retention rates of students, staff, and faculty as well as help students feel more integrated and succeed in the educational experience. ISM is dedicated to its goal of embodying the gold standards for diversity and inclusion practices in higher education.

ISM's DI Committee

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee was started at ISM in the spring of 2018. The goal of the committee is to oversee ISM’s diversity and inclusion initiatives related to the recruitment, retention, and graduation of its population. As part of their responsibilities, the Committee will review diversity and inclusion plans, assess the outcomes and impacts of these plans, suggest improvements, review academic papers that are submitted on the topic of diversity and inclusion, as well as actively provide resources and best practices. 

DI Internal Working Group

  • Alison Knight, ISM General Director
  • Stephanie Naudin, ISM Student Services Coordinator and IMBA student
  • Kimberly Reeve, ISM Professor and Alumnus

Meet the Committee

The Diversity and Inclusion Committee is comprised of 9 members who represent a range of affiliations with ISM, industries, and geographic locations. 

  • adrianna

    Adriana Torres

  • paolo

    Paolo Vittorio Aradillos

  • Ivonne Klevans

    Ivonne Chirino-Klevans

  • tobias

    Tobias de Coning

  • sunny

    Sunny Ghali

  • nina

    Nina Mohadjer

  • patricia

    Patricia Murugami

  • uche

    Onyeka Uche Ofili

  • Kimberly Reeve

    Ex-Officio Member


As part of our efforts to improve the experience of our diverse community, we launched Perspectives, our diversity and inclusion magazine. Read stories from ISM students, alumni, faculty, and staff about challenges and initiatives on topics like investing in employer-led DI programs, gender bias in negotiation, and inclusive data-driven strategies.

To view the most current edition, please click here.


Our Accreditation

Our Recognition

  • US State Authority to
    Confer Diplomas
  • Status with the French
    Ministry of Education
  • Établissement d'enseignement
    supérieur privé technique

Our Membership