Data Protection

ISM recognizes the need to protect the privacy of the personally-identifiable information that we collect from you as you use our website. Users should fully understand the terms and conditions surrounding the capture and use of that information. By submitting information, you agree to ISM’s use of such information as described below.

Information Collected

ISM collects personally-identifiable information on certain areas of the website when users request general information, request a brochure, begin the application process for one of our programs, register for an event, etc. You are informed of the nature of the data collected and whether or not providing the data is compulsory by informative notices displayed at the time the data is requested from you on the site. The personally-identifiable information collected may consist of a unique access ID and contact information such as names, mailing addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers.

Use of Information

You are informed of the use of the data collected by informative notices provided at the time the data is requested from you on the website. The e-mail addresses provided on registration allow us to send messages giving you notice of the existence of new contents to you based on the areas of interest you may have indicated to us. If you do not wish to receive e-mailed advance notices of content, you will be given the opportunity to unsubscribe from further updates from ISM.

Disclosure to third-parties

ISM does not disclose your personally-identifiable information to third-parties.

External Links

The site contains links to third-party web sites. Please be aware that we cannot control and are not responsible for the information collection practices of third-party Web sites. We encourage you to review and understand the privacy policies of these Web sites before providing any information to them.

Access, changes and deletions

You may access, correct, and update any personally-identifiable information, unsubscribe from mailing lists or terminate your subscription to ISM updates by sending us an e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject ‘Unsubscribe”


By using the Site, you consent to the collection, use and processing of your personally-identifiable information by us in the manner and for the uses described in this Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to make changes to these policies as appropriate, and will alert you to any changes made.

Additional Information

If you have questions about our Privacy Policy or the practices of the website, please e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Our Accreditation

Our Recognition

  • US State Authority to
    Confer Diplomas
  • Status with the French
    Ministry of Education
  • Établissement d'enseignement
    supérieur privé technique

Our Membership