Testimonials by program:

I started working at 21 in order to acquire a certain experience in business and management to use when it came time to found my own company. Since the very beginning of my career, I have worked alongside American companies, but I wanted to get some experience inside one of them, so I joined WRQ.

After four years there, I understood that the American way of conducting business really corresponded with my personal values. I had incredible potential opportunities inside the company, but after discussing the matter with the management, I felt I lacked the educational background to take advantage of them. In addition, before applying to a position based either in the US or in Asia, I wanted to present a 100%-clean application. According to the feedback I received from different sources, the MBA program that ISM offered seemed to be the best way to succeed. In fact, it is considered very solid – maybe because it is an intensive program, requesting a real commitment from students – and quite serious due to its international accreditations. One month after I completed my MBA, I was invited to manage the Asia Pacific region for WRQ. That was in June 2000, and I am still enjoying this fantastic experience.

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Krishna Kumar Aburri | IMBA Alumnus from India

I had experience as a marketer and a team leader in a software company, but I felt my experience was limited. A manager needs a lot…

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Matthew Lambert | IMBA Alumnus from the United States

I decided to invest in earning an MBA to take my career to the next level and chose ISM in Paris. My time at ISM was a great…

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Philippe Jaillette | IMBA Alumnus from France

After 2 years with HELLA, I was nominated as Vice President Electronics - France.

The Automotive industry, in which HELLA operates,…

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  • US State Authority to
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  • Status with the French
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  • Établissement d'enseignement
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