doctoral profile Emad 300Dr. Emad AbouElgheit is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Western Connecticut State University – Ancell School of Business. He is also a practitioner with over 15 years of professional experience in marketing, communication, information technology, and management consulting. His professional and academic passions have been focused where marketing meets information technology. He held several senior marketing and communication positions at global private enterprises and international organizations.

Before joining WestConn, Dr. AbouElgheit was a Communication Expert at the United Nations, a Senior Consultant - Marketing and Communications Manager at the Gallup Organization, and the Chief Marketing Expert among a global consulting consortium for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to promote a 30m euro, two-year financing program in Egypt.

For five years, Dr. AbouElgheit was a Brand Manager at ITWORX, the largest software development house in the Middle East and North Africa region. He also led the implementation of various software development, e-commerce, and digital transformation projects for firms in North America, Europe and the Middle East. He provided marketing and communication consulting services for various public and social organizations including the League of Arab States and the Tunisian Ministry of Women.

Dr. AbouElgheit obtained his PhD in International Business Management at the International School of Management (ISM) in Paris, France in 2016. He obtained his MBA in 2010 at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport in Cairo, Egypt after obtaining his BA in Architecture Engineering at Alexandria University in Alexandria, Egypt in 1998. Dr. AbouElgheit’s research has focused on social commerce, digital consumer behavior, and international marketing.


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