ISM life is a whole unique experience. It definitely stands as an international program where all the alumni are able to meet and get to know people from all around the world, from students to professors, and to open their minds to their classmates’ traditions and ways of thinking. In addition, there are many advantages that the program gives you such as travel or work (if possible) due to the flexible schedule of the seminars. While you’re studying at ISM, you should take some advice from students that have already lived the experience. Here is a list of things I would advise:

  1. Get loose earlier. Don’t stay in your comfort zone for too long. The real experience doesn’t begin until you do.
  2. If you are going to live with someone, don’t do it with someone you already know. This may keep you both locked in your own world, and you won’t meet new people.
  3. Record your experiences. Write notes about where and what you ate, which train you took, the name of the street you loved, and take as many pictures as possible so you won’t forget anything.
  4. Stay as long as you can. If you are done with school and still have summer or winter vacation, STAY. You are already here, and you never know when you’ll be back.

Without a doubt, the opportunity to travel and the international approach can change the world for the better as people start to understand other ways of living. This is why the ISM program is more than a diploma but an opportunity to develop yourself intellectually and emotionally.

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