Testimonials by program:

The composition of the ISM MBA class is fantastic. There are people of all different ages, cultures and professional backgrounds. In my view, this provides a huge chance for everyone to gain insights into other cultures and business experiences. Furthermore, working and discussing with people from different backgrounds improves our communication skills. In addition, I appreciate that everyone fits perfectly into the group and contributes to the positive team spirit.

More student stories

Veronica Moiseeva | IMBA Student from Russia

I had already earned an MBA in Russia, but I began working for a Swiss multinational in their St. Petersburg office, and I realized…

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Matt Dean | IMBA Alumnus from New Zealand

I needed an executive program with a flexible schedule that would allow me to study in Paris. I’d always felt that an MBA would…

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Adel Benflis | IMBA Alumnus from Algeria

What I liked from the very first was the flexibility of the program, and how easy it was to integrate myself with the curriculum and…

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  • US State Authority to
    Confer Diplomas
  • Status with the French
    Ministry of Education
  • Établissement d'enseignement
    supérieur privé technique

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