Testimonials by program:

After 2 years with HELLA, I was nominated as Vice President Electronics - France.

The Automotive industry, in which HELLA operates, has recently been shaken by a major and global crisis. During this critical period for my company, I could draw on the skills I learned during my IEMBA studies with ISM. The lessons provided me the perfect support to guide me in making the right decisions as Managing Director of HELLA France, Original Equipment.

More student stories

Amanjot Kaur Sidhu | IMBA Alumnus from India

I am from India with a bachelor's degree in computer engineering. I chose to pursue the IMBA from ISM to get the international…

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Elijah Lutwama | IMBA Alumnus from Uganda

I'm based in Nairobi, but I work with many business people in French-speaking Africa, so I decided to learn French while I pursued…

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Diego Pardo | IMBA Alumnus from Colombia

This last year doing the MBA at ISM was one of the best and greatest experiences for me. It exceeded all my expectations on a…

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  • US State Authority to
    Confer Diplomas
  • Status with the French
    Ministry of Education
  • Établissement d'enseignement
    supérieur privé technique

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