Dr. Michael Neubert teaches International Business and Finance courses in the MBA and doctoral programs at ISM. He also lectures International Entrepreneurship and Intercultural Management at other universities like the University of Vorarlberg in Austria and the German-Paraguayan University in Paraguay to name a few.
Dr. Neubert is a PhD alumnus of ISM and the chair of the Strategic Management Committee of ISM. He is an active researcher in international entrepreneurship and finance and publishes his research results in peer-reviewed academic journals. His current research interests include FinTech, pricing decisions, and the early and fast internationalization of high-tech start-up firms as well as the concepts of lean and digital internationalization.
Dr. Neubert is the CEO of C2NM LLC. C2NM is a Swiss consulting firm specializing in the field of international and intercultural management. It offers services from the development of international strategies and global market research to market entries, turnarounds, and market exits as well as intercultural trainings and seminars. C2NM uses its own methodologies like the market development process company2newmarket® or the market intelligence software statforce®. Its application allows clients to acquire new customers in new foreign markets in less time, with fewer resources, and at lower risk.

Dr. Neubert is a partner of a private equity firm, which invests in high-tech start-up firms. He supports the portfolio companies in the early and fast internationalization of their products and business models and integrates these experiences in the case studies of his courses.

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