José Gimenez teaches Business Statistics and Research Methods, as well as Supply Chain Management in the IMBA program at ISM. Gimenez earned his Ph.D in Sciences at the Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse), MSc in Electrical Engineering at the Imperial College of Science and Technology (London), and BSc in Electrical Engineering at the Universidad Simon Bolivar (Caracas).

He works as a consultant engineer to firms throughout Venezuela, and is Professor of Operations Management and Operations Research at Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracion in Caracas. In the past, he served as the Director of Advanced Management Program for the same university, and been a visiting professor at Universidad de Simon Bolivar. Gimenez has had over 20 scholarly articles published in research journals and presented at international conferences.


  • DALVANO, Luigi / GIMENEZ, José Luis.

    “En busca de un servicio superior: innovar es la clave”. Debates IESA, vol XII, núm 3, pp. 60-63, 2007.

  • GIMENEZ, José Luis(2007)

    “The application of JIT principles in Venezuela. Comparisons with other IMSS countries”. EurOMA Conference 2007, Ankara, June 2007.

  • DIAZ, Angel / LORENZO, Oswaldo / GIMENEZ, José Luis(2007)

    “Teaching Process Management. A Multimedia-based Case Approach”. POMS Conference 2007, Dallas, May 2007.

  • GIMENEZ, José Luis / DIAZ, Angel / LORENZO, Oswaldo.(2007)

    “Lean manufacturing principles: Are Venezuelan firms applying them?” POMS Conference 2007, Dallas, May 2007.

  • GIMENEZ, José Luis.(2006)

    “¿Realmente usamos el just-in-time en Venezuela?”. Research Annual Workshop, IESA, 2006.

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