I had a wonderful time last year at ISM. I finished my coursework in the first quarter of 2017 and started working on my dissertation proposal. Overall, working on my proposal has been an exciting academic venture.

Because of my hectic work schedule, I ended up having to take a break from my program last quarter. The flexibility at ISM helped as I was able to manage things around my work schedule.  

This year, I am hoping to finish my doctorate degree under the supervision of the director of academic affairs and other faculty. I strongly recommend ISM to prospective students, especially the ones who are currently working and looking for an opportunity to quench their thirst of knowledge.

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Entrepreneurship Alive at ISM!

Feb 15, 2018
in PhD Student Blog by Khurram Hussain

Entrepreneurship is part and parcel of any business education, no matter which business school you go to and what concentration you…

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Two Motives for a Practitioner to Do a PhD (Part 3)

Jun 22, 2016
in PhD Student Blog by Emad Abouelghit

Once I completed my MBA in 2010, I decided to do a PhD. I had two main personal motives to make that decision: Second, I wanted to…

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The Future of Work Part II

Apr 16, 2018
in PhD Student Blog by Raphael Schlup

At the beginning of October 2017, I attended my third in-person course in Paris. My specialization in my program is entrepreneurship…

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