It’s hard to believe that I came to France one year ago, in September 2017, to start my studies at ISM. So many incredible changes have happened since then, many because of my experience as an IMBA student at ISM. The most rewarding experience has been the friends I have made and the people I have met in my year here.

I think it really speaks to the quality of ISM and the program when many of the full-time IMBA students (who were not originally from Europe) all decided to come back to spend their second year in France. ISM has a wonderful option to renew your student visa for a second year, I was delighted to find out I could come back and spend another year in Paris. While some students will be finishing their last classes, my primary education goals are to finish my thesis, submit it for approval, and complete my MBA!

I will also be working while I am here in France. It can be difficult as a foreigner to find work in any country you visit, and I was fortunate enough to find an opportunity to work in France and the US through another student at ISM. It is so important for students at ISM to not just think about gaining their degree when they come to France (or any other ISM locations), but also to connect and network with other students. We have such a diverse culture and background of students, and you never know when someone might be looking to hire for their company or could have a connection.

Job searching today is hard and finding any support from a fellow student can make that job prospect just a tiny bit easier. ISM offers networking opportunities in Paris, NY, and other countries where classes are taking place. There is also an active job posting link on the school’s website. For those students who can join the networking opportunities, it’s a great way to meet others outside of class whom you may not know as well, and who might be able to give advice in a field you are interested in. 

I am excited and grateful to see where this year in Paris will take me. I am sure, like my other fellow ISM students, there will be many more adventures. I will (hopefully) learn more French, and I plan to continue to be involved with the ISM community as an alumnus as well. 

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