If you want international exposure and practical learning, and you don't want to interrupt your work while you study, then ISM is the place to be.
ISM is very hands-on with the development of its students and creates professionals destined for greater horizons.
The flexibility that ISM offers is truly unparalleled. The ability to seamlessly transition between regular lectures and distance-based e-learning is yet another advantage.
The culture at ISM facilitates success by motivating students while providing the individual support they may need.
The entrepreneurship course I took at ISM was pivotal. The professor was able to create a shift in the how we viewed innovation and entrepreneurship.
I found it very helpful that you can break your coursework into manageable amounts so you can really focus on the coursework, but also continue to have a normal work and family life.
Having an international DBA with ISM allows me to make an impact globally.
ISM offers flexibility without compromising the quality of the academic experience.
Going through ISM, and the contacts that I made, gave me the opportunity to get my dream job with my dream company in London. This definitely would not have happened if I had not finished my MBA at ISM.
Studying at ISM is a great way to learn, see the world, and expand your international network.
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