Testimonials by program:

Michael Mendy, IEMBA Student from Gambia

I chose ISM because of the flexibility of their Executive MBA program, which actually gives me the ability to work and at the same time do my course work.

My experience at ISM was beyond measure: the candidates from across the globe brought cross cultural and global strengths to the ISM community that enriched my experience. ISM offers the broadest view of diversity across continents and boardroom management experience. The competence and degree of excellence of the professors and students epitomize the remarkable training one can acquire from ISM.

The ISM degree continues to add value in my professional career. It has sharpened my managerial skill set and improved other aptitudes that are needed in my line of business. Furthermore, it helped optimize performance in my managerial duties.

As a Deputy Director General, I am in charge of finance and administration. I also manage a portfolio of clients, both local and international. My major accomplishments include turning around the company onto a better financial footing and increasing our client portfolio by adding new clients within the past year and half.

More student stories

Nicole Schaefer | IMBA Alumnus from Germany

The composition of the ISM MBA class is fantastic. There are people of all different ages, cultures and professional backgrounds. In…

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Elijah Lutwama | IMBA Alumnus from Uganda

I'm based in Nairobi, but I work with many business people in French-speaking Africa, so I decided to learn French while I pursued…

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Yul Bahat | IMBA Alumnus from Israel

The program exposed me to a wide array of topics I had never before considered. This has helped me to make a personal transition…

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